Sunday, January 15, 2012


By. Mr. Tropnevad

Plot Summary

The youngest son (Tom Hardy) of an alcoholic former boxer (Nick Nolte) returns home from the war to fight in a MMA tournament to win money for his fallen comrade’s family. The oldest brother (Joel Edgerton), a physics teacher and a family man, learns he will lose his house in ninety days if he does not earn some money fast. Two brothers eventually start training to fight again only to be reunited in the ring together for the grand prize.


I originally wanted to see this film because I like Tom Hardy in Bronson and Inception, and I wanted to see how he looked before seeing him in The Dark Knight Rises. I heard very little about this movie except for what podcasts I listen to said, and I wanted to give it a shot. I am not a fan of MMA, but Gavin O’Connor (Miracle) was the director of this so I knew it had to be good.

Regarding Spoilers
I am not spoiling anything in the movie that cannot be figured out while watching the trailer. There is a spoiler, but I marked it so you are aware.

The Bad

There is very little to complain about in this movie. If there was something it didn’t stick out long enough to bother me. The first twenty minutes drag a little, but once the brothers reach the tournament, things really start to pick up. Just stick with it until the brothers reach the MMA tournament then you will find it more enjoyable.

Just like most real life commentators, this films sport commentators are very annoying. At one point a commentator holds up a goldfish saying that one of the brothers is going to be fed to the sharks. I was thinking to myself, “Are you guys aware that you are on the radio? And why are you carrying a goldfish around in a Ziploc bag?”

I don’t know if it was my TV or maybe the fact that I watched it on DVD, but sometimes the scenes were quiet and I hard to turn the volume up and then down again. I don’t blame the movie for that just the DVD.

The Good

Tom Hardy is really amazing in this movie and, without a doubt, proves to anyone that has any question about him being Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises” that he can pull it off. Throughout the film Hardy is emotionless and as the movie goes on you understand why he is. His acting is amazing and near the end with the final scene with him and Nolte, Hardy begins to show some signs of love for his father. The last fight between the brothers is amazing and you get to experience Hardy’s anger being taken out on his brother to his forgiveness for how he has been treating Edgerton.

Just a little extra information on Hardy. He put on twenty eight pounds of muscle for this movie, but before he filmed this he made a movie called ‘”Bronson” where he put on forty five pounds of muscle. I would highly recommend “Bronson”, too. Hardy does not take off his shirt till he reaches the MMA tournament and when he does the only thing you are going to notice are his huge shoulders. I know if saw him in the ring I would jump out screaming.

Joel Edgerton is very good in this movie, too. He makes you believe that you should be rooting for him, because he is the family man, the physics teacher and the nice guy that has everything to lose if he does not win. His acting makes you feel for him because of his struggle, and most viewers will probably feel closer to him than to Hardy. He treats his father with no respect, as anyone would who had to grow up in an environment with an alcoholic father.

Nick Nolte does a great job as their father, a recovering alcoholic trying to reconnect with his children. You will believe that he is sorry for his years of alcoholism and beatings to his wife and children. He misses his family and wants them back. When he agrees to train Hardy for the fight he doesn’t do it for the money, he does it to show his son that he cares. The problem is Hardy still doesn’t trust him and the scene in the casino between Nolte and Hardy really will get to you, because you understand that he is sorry and does not know how to get his son to love him.

This movie knows how to tie up every subplot it has, from the two brothers showing love for one another to the father getting his boys to know that he is sorry for his past. The viewer will not know who to root for. Should you root for the brother that has no emotion because of his problems with his dad, his fellow Marines dying and him saving Marines from drowning or should you root for the brother that is the family man and about to lose his house.

I had so many favorite parts of this film I couldn’t even begin to list them all. I loved the final fight scene and the casino to hotel room scene with Nolte and Hardy. The one that really got me first was when Hardy knocks out the first fighter in one hit and then immediately leaves the ring and goes to the dressing room. It was clear to everyone watching the fight that he was there to win and not gloat over anything. He wanted the money and to go on with his life.

You will pick up on the homages to “Rocky” they have placed in this movie. The American fighting the Russian, the flashy hotel where the fight is at, and even the way Hardy trains for his upcoming fight.

*Spoiler: There are very few movies that make me speak out loud while watching due to something that happens in the film. When the brothers are fighting and Edgerton dislocates Hardy’s shoulder I felt like it was my shoulder. I could hear the pop and see the dislocation and I immediately said “Oh Shit!” Spoiler*

Overall Thoughts

This film gives every man their free pass to cry at the end and not be ashamed by it (No, I did not cry). This movie is on par with “Rocky” and “The Fighter.” Honestly, I think it's even better than both of them." I recommend buying this on Blu-ray.

Buy on Blu-ray

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