Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mr. Tropnevad will be reviewing video games

By Mr.Tropnevad

For those that don’t know me, I am an amateur game designer. To get down to specifics I am a Level Designer and for those of you who don’t know what that is I can explain in one sentence. A level designer makes the world your character is in. The artists give the level designer the art to use and programmers are the ones that make sure the game runs. Programmers used to do all of the programming in the game, but now level designers are doing another form of programming called scripting which makes things happen in the game such as enemies move, physics, and so forth. Don’t misunderstand me though, programmers still do all of that stuff, too.

Any way you’re reading this because you want to know why you should listen to me when I have a game review. Well besides the fact that I am a level designer I actually work with one company in particular to test their games and explain what is wrong with the levels and environments that the designers may not see.

I will not be reviewing big AAA titles unless Zentilack and I are both going to be playing the game. He may review a game, but that is entirely up to him. Together we have played well over a thousand games. What I will be reviewing are XBL and PSN games, indie games, and games on Steam.

If you want to make a request we can’t promise anything, but depending on how long the game is depends on if we have time to play it and review it.

If you have any questions please ask.

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